
Monday, February 7, 2011

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Dear goodness! Its been a long time since I have blogged! I've been a very very busy girl ;-) The biggest news for sure is that Will and I are expecting our first child the end of July! We are super excited and somewhat overwhelmed with everything :-) We find out what we are having Feb 28th!! Needless to say I can't wait!!!! Will isn't in any hurry to find out what we are having. I think is afraid I am going to make us go broke buying up baby stuff ha ha He is probably partly right :-) But it's our first so I can't help myself!! Here is a little picture of our "peanut"
I promise better ones will come soon! When we go on the 28th of this month we should have pretty detailed pictures then!! I can't wait!! We go to hear the heart beat again last week when we went to the doctor... sweetest thing ever--even if it does sounds like a washer machine :-)

Will and I have been doing some serious praying lately. We have had a lot of changes in the last several months. Things have changed with my job, and Will is looking at some possible new job ventures as well. As scary an downright frustrating it can be I can't help but keep thing that God has a plan for us. I have always said from the start that I wanted to be able to stay at home mom with our children and now faced with it I am having a real hard time trying to figure out what I really want to do. I think my biggest fear is being "poor" haha sounds silly I know. I guess I am spoiled :-) I can't help but thinking that maybe this "job change" I have had is His way of telling me I just need to let go when its time and let him provide and STOP worrying!! And I do know that! I know that He promises to be faithful to me! So WHY the heck is it so stinkin' hard sometimes :-) Cause overall I am VERY blessed! I have a AWESOME, SUPER, CARING, LOVING--I could go on--BEST EVER husband!! Wonderful family and friends, well paying job....I could go on oh newest blessing is my new niece Kara Madison! She is absolutely ADORABLE! Well I think so--I'll let you decide :-)
Bye for now! :-)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Winds of Change are a Blowin'

Do you ever get that restless feeling?? You know that you feel like something is going to change or your ready for a change?? Well I have that feeling! I have been doing some serious thinking about ways to increased my nursing knowledge--you know learn new things. I always seem to freak myself out and get scared that I will fail epically at anything new that I try so sometimes I end up not even trying. I learned something new this evening, however that made me feel a little more brave :-). I was talking to our neighbor that is a doctor in residency and I was amazed how they are similar they feel to nursing students as they come out of school they are just as clueless as nurses are---and I mean that in THE nicest way :-) Truth be know it doesn't matter if you are a MD or and RN when you get out of school you are CLUELESS!! Until you actually start the "hands on" stuff thats when you really start to learn!!
It just made me feel that I am not the only one out there who gets scared at new things. Challenge is good for the soul! :-) I have decided that I am READY for a new CHALLENGE!! So Mr. Challenge bring it on!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Feeling the Blues

Was going to blog then changed my mind. Can't find words to put down how I feel right now. Let me think on it and I'll get back to ya...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

From Trash to Treasure

So Sunday as Will and I are driving home from swimming when I saw this bright red thing in the dumpster at the church near our house and wellllll I made Will turn around and go back to see what it was---Okay people I know what you are probably thinking, eeeww nasty why in the world would you want something that has been in the trash??? And does this girl go digging in the trash on a regular basis?? Well in answer to your question, no I don't usually dig through the trash but this caught my eye.
We turned around and went back to the dumpster where I proceeded to see what this "red thing" was. It turned out to be a table!! It had a big hole in the center of the table but the table as a whole was very sturdy. Well it just so happens that I have a VERY talented husband who is good with carpentry so he is going to repaint and replace the center with a new piece of wood. I think that it is going to be a awesome coffee table for my living room when he gets it all done and best of all it was FREE :-)
I got to thinking about how the red table was like my life before my Saviour came in and took over. Without God there is a big whole that needs to be filled. The world will just toss you aside but God will come in and make something as sad as that "old red table" beautiful. He fills the hole and makes you a new person!! Isn't He awesome!?!?!
Anyways here is the "before" picture and I will post a "after" when Will gets it done. Use your imagination people. Its going to be great!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Well I have absolutely nothing to write about. Isn't that amazing. I am getting really excited about my vacation with Will's family. We are going to Gatlinburg. I think that it will be lots of fun. I have only been one time and I didn't get to stay long. Will has been several times and says its really pretty.

Pam is back (our DON see blog "Too Big a Shoe to Fill") and I must say I am pretty happy about it! I actually really enjoyed filling in for her. The experience was really good and I got to learn a whole lot. It was a different side to Hospice I hadn't seen. I was able to learn so much from it. It was nice to have a change in pace from the normal day to day activity of seeing my patients. I am ready to hit the road again I suppose. But I guess that will have to wait till after I get back from my vacation. I was suppose to start going to see patients next week but our office manager is going to be out for a week so I am going to stay in the office another week and help Pam.

My friend Kristian is having a baby and I am SO excited for her. I know her baby with will be just precious! Her name is going to be Bella Grace (great middle name right!!??!) She is in need of lots of prayer right now because she is only 7 months along and and her water broke last night. They are going to try and keep her from going into labor for another 4 weeks or however long they can. So please pray that all will be well with both Kristian and sweet baby Bella. Oh, I know the reason I started think about Kristian and her baby was that I was going to do some sucker pots for her baby shower--which I am sure will be moved to a later date :-) This was going to be super cute and super easy!
First I bought some some plain pots (50% off at Hobby Lobby) and spray painted them
pink--for a girl :)

And then I used a stencil (Hobby Lobby) and painted on some white flowers--with the assistance of my FINE artistic hubby. After I painted them on I filled in the center with a light green and made some edging and lines on the petals of the flower to make it more realistic and then....
Tahh daaahhh! A beautiful cute pot to hold my suckers in! I am going to fill the pots up with white play sand and then cover the top of the dirt with little pearls--cause little girls like that kind of stuff :-) Then just add these super cute "Its a Girl" white chocolate suckers

wrapped in cello bags tied with ribbon---but candy making is for another day :-) Okay so I lied about having nothing to write about.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

What a Blessed Girl I Am!

Ahhh life is great. As I write this I am lying on the couch watching my HUSBAND clean the house! Yes people I know what you're are all thinking "Man, what a lucky girl she is. I wish my husband cleaned the house etc. etc" And you would be right!!! I am a very lucky girl!! Well actually I like to think of it as blessed! I really been doing a lot of thinking over the past few days at work how blessed I really am!! Several of my girlfriends have husbands who are cheating on them. Well that got me to thinking about all the people in the world who had gone through a divorce or where currently living in an unfaithful marriage. Its so sad right now that the divorce rate is at an all time high. Over half the people who get married end up divorced! Scary right?? I think our biggest problem is of course is that God is not the center of our marriage. The world as it is right now is quickly spiraling downward. Sometimes I feel like we are living in a modern day Sodom & Gomorrah. Maybe even worse.
A lot of people no longer take it serious what it means get married. Men and women both are
tempted constantly by things on TV, the Internet and in magazines.
Its so sad that most people who enter into a marriage cant even trust the person that they are
married to. I can't even begin to imagine that. Every day I think of how very blessed I really
am because not only is my husband and AWESOME house cleaner ( ;-) ) He loves me so much
and I never even have had to EVER think about him being unfaithful to me. God really blessed
me when he gave me Will :-)
On a lighter note: Happy Saturday!!!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

One Year

Wow! I can't believe that I have been married for almost a year now! One week from today will be our anniversary! I can't believe how fast this last year has went by. So many things have happened. We have had a interesting first year thats for sure! I am really excited about our trip we are taking! We are going to Chattanooga, TN and then over to Atlanta, GA. Please pray the rain stays away. Everything we are planning to do is outdoors. Although how fitting is that since it rained cats and dogs on our wedding. We are doing the whole Lookout Mountain thing in Chattanooga. I hear Chattanooga is a really pretty city especially downtown. I went to priceline to get our rooms--and can I just say its my new favorite way to get hotels!!! We are staying in all four star hotels the whole time and we paid 65$ a night! How awesome is that!?! I have booked us a Bed & Breakfast for Sunday night which is our anniversary. See isn't it cute??I am pretty excited about it! I can't wait to get away for a little while. I am still drawing a blank however on what to get him as an anniversary present. I can't seem to come up with anything.
:-( He has already got my my present--at least he said it was my anniversary gift. A new dining table for our "formal" dining room. Its really pretty! Now have to find something to go on it.

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